I did two, and the first one is the better one.
This article really interested me. I was a competitive swimmer for seven years, and I will always love the sport and be intensely passionate about it. I think it is incredible that this woman, Anne, is competitively swimming at such an old age. She is an inspiration to everyone. She joined U.S. Master's Swimming, which I am familiar with. In Nashville at my old swim team, the mom of one of my friends was in Master's Swimming. And before my morning practice at 5:00am, there was always a Masters practice. So early in the morning! I think there was a later practice for them at 8am or something on Saturday. But people at any age can do competitive swimming through US Master's Swimming. Anne started swimming at a young age. This reminds me of myself because I started competitively swimming at seven years old. I grew up competitively swimming. Swimming was my life! It was everything! I felt like everything, except I guess school, revolved around swimming. I love competitive swimming for the same reason that Anne does...I love being competitive. I love racing against other teams, my friends, and just trying to beat my old time. Racing against the clock. It was so fun. It says in the article that swimming has helped Anne overcome some things about her age and that she broke her hip. This really made me think of how swimming has helped me after an injury. I broke my kneecap and had to get surgery when I was 11. It was rough. I had to be in a wheelchair and crutches for a while. But I continued swimming, which I am so glad I did. Swimming really helped me recover! It helped me bring my life back to how it was before my injury. Swimming has changed my life so much! I hope I will swim for the rest of my life like Anne! Swimming is one of the best thing ever and it would be so awesome to do competitive swimming throughout my life.
This article interests me because I love both animals and technology. This article caught me eye. I am mystified by squids and their ability to change color. I've always loved learning more about interesting facts about animals. And this time, technology can benefit. Scientists are working on improving LCD displays. I think this is really cool. I'm always interested in how people are improving technology. They are using rods that are one fortieth the size of rods used in conventional LCD displays, and they are arranged very precisely. Squids have the ability to sense the color of their surroundings, and then immediately change their skin color to blend in. Researchers are developing the display to change their own color to the color of their surroundings. I am really interested in technology and light and color are very important components of the advancement of technology. I can't wait for this new improvement to be in the technology we use everyday. It's so amazing that we can study and observe and research animals to use them for our advancements in technology. Animals have evolved for millions of years, so it is certainly worthwhile to look at how they can help technology. Squids have evolved to change their skin color to blend in with their surroundings for camouflage and survival. I think animals can be used in research to advance scientific understanding. This new display is hopefully going to be able to change color on demand and be a more advanced LCD display. This color changing reminds of how I really wanted a pet chameleon after we moved to Minnesota, but my parents didn’t let me get one. But I think it would have been really cool to have a pet chameleon. I don’t know anybody who has one. I think they look cool and I think I would enjoy having one and taking care of him.
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